What you can expect to learn in 2 days:
How to multiply impact & profit with our Articulate-Communication Framework
How to eliminate blocks & activate your true voice so that you can create powerful decisions aligned with purpose…without overwhelm or exhaustion or wasting valuable time.
How to amplify your vitality so that you can show-up powerfully for your client & team while drawing in a community that can’t wait to be a part of your cause.
The latest strategies on optimizing resilience & eliminating resistance so that you can create success no matter the environment.
Discover how to accelerate impact & money in less time without sacrificing your health & relationships
Plus, I’ll even show you how to access & implement “New-Level” thinking with growth & change so that you can experience more joy & energy while scaling an impact-driven business for good.
What we will cover:
Day 1
Articulate-Communication Framework
How to eliminate blocks & activate your true voice so that you can create powerful decisions aligned with purpose and consecutive productive days without exhaustion & overwhelm.
How to amplify your vitality so that you can show-up powerfully for your client & team while drawing in a community that can’t wait to be a part of your cause
How to activate intelligent communication so you can create a full buy-in from your clients & team and multiply your impact & profit through our Articulate-Communication Framework
Day 2
Next-Level Leader Framework
Continuing with our Articulate-Communication Framework to create intelligent + efficient days so you can have time for the things that matter most to you
The latest strategies on optimizing resilience & eliminating resistance so that you can create success no matter the environment.
Discover how to accelerate impact & money in less time without sacrificing your health & relationships through our Next-Level Leadership Framework.
What Makes Our Event Different?
We deliver PURE strategy and leave out the "Hype" and common sense stuff you already know.
We create an environment for you to LEARN and NETWORK with other high-performing leaders.
We give you POWERFUL tools and materials that you can take home and keep for your reference!
At our events, we focus on content that will bring you REAL RESULTS!
We deliver Leadership-Communication strategies that will give you sustainable energy, performance & productivity when it comes to creating a business or career that you love while not spending hours being chained to it!
We create an environment for you to integrate and accelerate your deeper purpose of impact & money for good…so you can elevate your relationships and health with ease + joy
We give you POWERFUL frameworks that you can reference again and again as you grow in your impact!
At our event, we focus on principles that will bring you REAL RESULTS!
Jennifer in her early career as practitioner and an entrepreneur did a lot of things that left her exhausted, overwhelmed, and wondering if it was all worth it. Did she succeed? Yes. Built a 6-figure business within the first year of my first healthcare business with clients and a team that loved what she was offering.
BUT it came at a big cost to health, relationships, and ultimately what she was building. The whole point as a business owner was to make powerful impact in wellness with her business while having the flexibility and freedom to do what she wanted when she wanted, and have a team that was equally passionate to help me do all of this. AND make money doing it with joy & ease.
Her journey back to being on her playground of impact and ultimately her life was literally creating a framework for other Leaders that were ready to live on their playground too. To eliminate blocks, activate resilience, and amplify articulate-communication to create success no matter the environment.
Today, she get’s to help thought leaders transform themselves & the health of their company, speak their truth and accelerate their profit and deeper purpose impact that they were meant for.