Hey I'm Jennifer
I spent a lot of my early career as a practitioner and an entrepreneur doing a lot of things that left me exhausted, overwhelmed, and wondering if it was all worth it.
Did I have success?
Yes. I had a 6-figure business within the first year of my first healthcare business with clients and a team that loved what I was offering.
BUT it came at a big cost to my health, my relationships, and ultimately what I was building. My whole point as a business owner was to make powerful impact in wellness with my business while having the freedom to do what I wanted, when I wanted, and have a team that was equally passionate to help me do all of this.
AND make money doing it with ease & joy!
What happened was me becoming miserable and it disseminating to my team. Everything continued to get a lot harder…pushing, pulling, resisting…so much for freedom and powerful impact. This led to dark years of debilitating depression and ultimately wanting to checkout, throw in the towel.

I DIDN'T Because I realized I had an amazing opportunity for healing, growth and expansion of me and what I wanted to bring to the world. I chose to take what I was feeling, hit head on the behaviors connected to the feelings and navigate through how it was affecting my life. I chose to step into the healing journey, speak my truth, amplify my leadership frequency, and accelerate my deeper purpose of impact on my "playground." My journey back to my Wellness, in particular Mental Wellness and ultimately my life was literally creating a framework for other Leaders that were ready to live on their playground too. To create higher level vitality, sustainable high-performance and next-level leadership influence, all embedded in health…no matter the environment. Today, I get to help thought leaders transform the lives of their team & the health of their company, speak their truth and accelerate their profit + deeper purpose impact that they were meant for.
Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology & Exercise Science- UW-Madison
Master of Physical Therapy-UW-Madison
Health Coaching Certification
Transformational Leadership Coach
Over 2500 hours in continuing education in health, in wellness, leadership, business management and functional orthopedics, postural restoration, manual therapy
Jennifer’s BIO (click HERE to see full bio)