Breaking through the hurdles that have been holding you back?
(Hint: they are not what you think they are)
#1 Leadership Coaching Program for High-Performers in the world
Program Starts: July 1st, 2020
A high-performing leader or entrepreneur
A perfectionist, “people pleaser” with a dash of anxiousness
A person who is tired of barking up someone else’s tree and not living the life you really want
A person living the “hamster wheel” effect of being in the exact same space you don’t want to be
If you are ready to be fully SEEN and live your life to it’s FULL potential
Then this program is for you…
Are you ready to get out of your OWN head, tap into your Zone Genius and live your REAL life. And actually live your PURPOSE? And yes, create real IMPACT?
If you know that 2020 is your year to rise above the noise
Get rid of permanently your blocks holding you back
Fan your unique gifts in all areas of your life
And re-define your true value, your true purpose, your true TRUTH
(Another HINT: how to do this is different now in our ‘New’ World)
It’s time to apply for the most effective training program out there
Program starts: July 1st, 2020

Jennifer has changed my life. Forever. I came to Jennifer with a need for more, but I honestly didn't know what that meant when we first started working together. Jennifer kindly and gracefully showed me how to draw on my own strengths while also teaching me tools that built on one another to reach my goals. I see, now, why the work in week 1 was integral and necessary to reach week 2, to reach week 3, and so on. I am forever grateful for the soul-stretching exercises and weekly check-ins. I genuinely loved my check-in calls. One of my favorite parts of my week! I would highly encourage you to go for it with Jennifer! She is doing the work she is called to do, and I am so thankful that I found her. Jennifer, you changed me for the better. Thank you!
Does this sound like you?
You want to wake up to your dream job and feel like you are daily on your “play ground”
You want to connect on deeper levels with your personal & career relationships
You want to feel healthy and well in all areas of Wellness
You want to have real & powerful tools that keep you dialed in daily to your path, purpose, vision…IMPACTING THE WORLD WITH YOUR FULL POTENTIAL
You have the dream job
Beautiful Relationships
A booming career that is impacting thousands
You are being seen, heard, loved for ALL that you are
You can be the next success story…But how?
Does this sound like you?
You want to wake up to your dream job and feel like you are daily on your “play ground”
You want to connect on deeper levels with your personal & career relationships
You want to feel healthy and well in all areas of Wellness
You want to have real & powerful tools that keep you dialed in daily to your path, purpose, vision…IMPACTING THE WORLD WITH YOUR FULL POTENTIAL
You have the dream job
Beautiful Relationships
A booming career that is impacting thousands
You are being seen, heard, loved for ALL that you are
You can be the next success story…But how?
Got it…
You're not crazy…
AND you can have this…
You just got lost in translation and haven’t received the tools to get back on your path
My clients and I are already doing this

HI, I’m Jennifer
We are about to change your life together
I was an All-American Athlete with a successful practice realizing I wasn’t living my dream life, my life to my full potential…
SO instead of continuing down a path I didn’t desire…
I chose another and now living my Beautiful Wellness without suffering, my dream job, with amazing relationships and creating IMPACT in ways I only dreamed about
AND I am ready to help you get there…WAAAY sooner than I did.
Having owned 3 separate businesses, speaking on 100s of stages and coaching high-performers I realized 3 things:
1. Everyone has absolute ability to live to their FULL POTENTIAL with JOY & PEACE
BUT almost no one knows how to get there
2. In order to become the Leader in EVERY AREA of your LIFE you have to:
3. Breakthrough the emotional & spiritual blocks that continue to haunt you
Re-frame & Fan your unique gifts
Re-define your true Value and PURPOSE
AND YOU may say “yes, Jennifer…I get that…I tried programs like this and I’m still stuck.”
WELL, my friend you just haven’t done it in the way that your BODY & SOUL heal, than thrive, than transform and IMPACT…PERIOD.
Our program “reverse” engineers EVERYTHING you believed about WELLNESS & LEADERSHIP…and yes, this DYNAMIC DUO is EXACTLY what is going to get you the LIFE YOU REALLY WANT and create the IMPACT that aligns truly with your SOULS desire.
The “old” school way is NOT working for you…and we do have to look at things differently NOW.
Let me help you get their faster than I did
How does 12 weeks sound?
She will help you change your life. Jennifer Watson has a tremendous ability to help you shift your perspective and ultimately your life in the direction you want to see it go in. Her courses and coaching are exceptional.
Kaitlyn Sullivan

2020 is still YOUR YEAR…even NOW
But maybe you're feeling you really don’t know how to get there? There is so much you don’t know or are overwhelmed where to even start?
I get it…you have probably already invested a lot of time and money into coaching programs and God knows how many Webinars to get it…and you are still in the EXACT same space
Feeling the exact same problems
Feeling the exact same suffering
Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated
Feeling that it’s too late to live the life of Abundance YOUR WAY with joy and ease
And let me guess? Because you don’t know what to do next you just keep “doing” your “to do” list in hopes that if you do enough things (the lazy busy concept) and “suffer” enough (the martyr complex) you might miraculously get exactly what you want?
BUT deep down you are hopeless you won’t.
AND YOUR GREATEST fear you will be on your death bed someday and realize you haven’t lived the life you wanted…and that my friends…well, SUCKS.
WELL, I am here to tell you it’s not too late
Oh and also it’s NOT your fault
You just have been using the wrong systems from “experts” that truly don’t get you and/or implementing “old” school tools that simply are only going to take you so far OR not take you anywhere

You don’t need more information or more on your “to do” list in your personal & profession life
My strategy gets you the dream job, the relationships you want, the IMPACT you were meant for and yes, the $$$ that comes along for ride!
You haven’t effectively broken through your emotional/spiritual blocks
You haven’t tapped into what ‘real’ Wellness is
You are not implementing your unique Leadership
You are not understanding your true value, purpose or truth
AND you don’t even have a clue how to implement the first 4!
HINT: is DOES look different in our ‘New’ World
I’ve had…
The Athletic Successes, The Businesses
The Podcasts, The Events, The TedX Experience…
I had the amazing opportunity to connect with EPIC people, transform lives, create huge IMPACT with my gifts and make some $$$ doing it…

NOW it’s your time to have it…
The “Ultimate Leadership Reboot” can work for you too!
Here is how this program will work:

Introducing the Ultimate Leadership Reboot
Learn how to…
Permanently Breakthrough BLOCKS holding you back
Re-frame & Fan your unique gifts, your unique Leadership
Re-define your true value, purpose and truth
IN just 12 weeks!
YOU will change the trajectory of your LIFE
You will take the powerful 12 weeks into the rest of your LIFE to create consistent success and LIFE POTENTIAL no matter the “curve balls” of life
With 12 1-on-1 sessions curtailed for your specific goals & visions
Unlimited email access
Accountability support throughout the week with powerful weekly projects
The “Block”buster Journey (Part 1)
Identifying BLOCKS that are keeping you stuck
The Power of YOUR STORY…
Emotional & Spiritual Blocks…what are yours, why you have them, where they hide, and how they manifest
Trauma to Transition to Tranquility…prepping for your breakthrough
The “Block”buster Journey (part 2)
Powerfully breaking through permanently your BLOCKS
The Subconscious <—> Conscious Relationship
Techniques to breakthrough Blocks & Trauma and create the “updated” version of you
Tools to optimize stress & emotional resilience, consistently dial in “triggers” to consistently beat the DARKNESS
Welcoming Wagon Wellness (part 1)
Discover your challenges & limiting beliefs around Wellness (addressing physical, emotional, spiritual, mind)
Addressing your relationship to the 4 areas of Wellness
Techniques & Templates to breakthrough Wellness Beliefs
Honing Your Unique Intuitive Management Around Wellness…AND beginning the stages of Spiritual Management
Welcome Wagon Wellness (part 2)
Creating and Re-defining YOUR WELLNESS POWER
Strategy & Planning around your NEW Wellness Goals and New Wellness Beliefs
Understanding the Connection between Optimizing Wellness Goals and ALL your Goals
Powerful tools to create consistency in new habits, new behaviors…including specific cognitive re-framing & neurogenesis and more!
LEADING the Way: (part 1)
Discover your challenges & limiting beliefs around Leadership
Defining, re-defining what Leadership is
Tools & Templates to breakthrough limiting beliefs around Leadership
“Reverse” engineering the brain into a ‘New’ Leadership
LEADING the Way (part 2)
Creating and AMPLIFYING your SELF-Leadership
“Reverse” engineering what your emotional intelligence, intuition and natural gifts are
Specific Strategy Planning with taking SELF- LEADERSHIP into TEAM LEADERSHIP (family, career, and more)
Understanding the POWER of owning your SPIRITUAL TRUTH in creating the dream job, the relationships, the money you want NOW. This is the MOST POWERFUL session of the 12 weeks!
Going deeper into Spiritual Management from week 3
Spiritual Template to guide you through your spiritual truth (3 POWERFUL COMPONENTS HERE)
Spiritual Strategy session that incorporates your Wellness & Leadership Strategies
The Relationship Dance (Part 1)
Creating Healthy & Powerful connections with people (personal & professional). The second most POWERFUL session!
Understanding your current ways you interact with your PEOPLE RELATIONSHIPS…influences of personality, child & adult wounds, present expectations
Incorporating templates that identify old behaviors & beliefs and implementing strategies to incorporate healthy behaviors & beliefs
Strategy Planning for future personal & professional relationships
The Relationship Dance
Creating Healthy & Powerful connections with places, things. Yes, you DO have a relationship to places and things!
Understanding your current ways you interact with your PLACES & THINGS RELATIONSHIPS…. Powerful tools to create self-awareness with these 2 and why they effect every part your people relationships
Incorporating templates that identify old behaviors & beliefs and implementing strategies to incorporate healthy behaviors & beliefs…strategy planning for future places & things
WHY MONEY Dictates your relationships…PERIOD…setting you up for MONEY POWER next week!
Relationship + Money Dance! (Part 1)
* Why they are “BFFs”
Talking ALL things MONEY! AND WHY this is the GREATEST block you have keeping you from the things you want!
Understanding your current beliefs around money—> creating new beliefs around your Money
Strategies for creating consistent behavior changes around $$$
Money Magnet (Part 2)
It’s Time to Claim your money manager and attractor NOW...with your passions, your gifts, your dream job.
Tools & Strategies to manage your MONEY well
Tools & Strategies to attract your MONEY NOW
MONEY POWER into your FUTURE…consistently! 3 Powerful tools to connect it to all the things that are the most important to you
Talking all things WHY you are HERE, WRAPPING UP the BEAUTY of YOUR SPECIFIC IMPACT with every you’ve learned!
Extended Q & A
Dance PARTY! Because you have changed the trajectory of your LIFE…for the rest of your LIFE…not turning back!
BUT no, I wasn’t going to stop there
Here’s what you get when you apply for the
Ultimate Leadership Reboot
-$6000 value
That’s the minimum of what my clients have invested to get into this program
BUT we have BONUSES too!
Bonus #1 - $250 Value
Money Block Templates- Break free of money blocks permanently
Bonus #2 - $250 Value
SuperPower Time Blocking Templates
Bonus #3 - $350 Value
Leadership Templates for Beginner to Seasoned
Bonus #4 - $550 Value
Personalized Activities: Meditative to Healing techniques for your specific block/trauma
Total Value.: $7400
BUT when you apply today you will pay 40% of the cost!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it really worth this $$$…
it sounds a bit expensive…
I've wasted so much $$$ in the past on “Personal” development courses
We are by far the lowest price out there for the amount of information and powerful tools you will receive. Most programs like this are charging $8-10K
Debit is a Habit and SO is your MONEY relationship!
We have specific money templates to breakthrough money blocks and make you a money manager and attractor!
We have testimonials on how this program has changed the trajectory of our client’s lives
This program is not like other programs in that we are living in a ‘New’ World…we have new cutting edge techniques along with your specific journey to guarantee results
We are “reverse” engineering the way you look at Wellness + Leadership…no program has done this before but it’s the most powerful thing you can tap into right now to gain the most momentum for your goals
I’ve done courses like this before…in fact I would call myself the Personal Development Junkie…how is this course really different?
We have testimonials on how this program has changed the trajectory of our client’s lives
This program is not like other programs in that we are living in a ‘New’ World…we have new cutting edge techniques along with your specific journey to guarantee results
We are “reverse” engineering the way you look at Wellness + Leadership…no program has done this before but it’s the most powerful thing you can tap into right now to gain the most momentum for your goals
My schedule is already overwhelming…how can I fit this into it and really create consistency in actually doing it?
We have specific scheduling blocking templates that we have added as a BONUS to decrease your overwhelm and allow you to be consistent in doing our program
Will I truly see my life trajectory change with this course because this is truly what I want?
If you believe that a program will change your trajectory it will. If you believe it won’t…that is also true! BUT this is also why you are here. We are going to implement powerful MINDSET shifts that are beyond mainstream mindset shifts to actually get the goals you want and deserve.
AND live your true potential with
What is the guarantee/return?
We and our past clients believe SO much in this program that we offer 100% money back guarantee.
Please see parameters on our sales page in program description on this.
When & how do I schedule…will I get a structured template of schedule week to week?


I'm so confident you'll love this program, I'm willing to offer a 14 day trial.
Our commitment is to change people’s businesses and lives. You can participate in the Program for up to the first two (2) Modules. If you do all the assigned work and don’t get value or feel your learning style doesn’t match how we teach, we’ll happily refund the money you’ve paid us under this Agreement less any external fees subject to the following conditions:
• Must apply for a refund by July 15, 2020
• Completed Course Work. We’ll ask for your completed course work (to make sure you gave it a go) and ask what didn’t work for you (so we can learn and improve).
• Company Discretion. After you submit your materials, all refunds are within the Company’s sole discretion as to whether to grant or deny the refund request.
• Please do not enroll in this program if you just want to “check it out.” We put an extraordinary amount of time and effort into this Program, and we expect you to do the same.

Ultimate Leadership Reboot
is for you if…
You are tired of your same “hamster wheel” life and your ready to live your REAL life
You actually believe deep down that you were meant to be more, IMPACT more
You are tired of doing it alone because quite frankly it’s not working
Your pretty sure that this course actually does sound different and actually does have a strategy for you
You know your Wellness is in the toilet and LEADING yourself poorly is a close second
You understand the power of the MIND and getting rid of blocks is true freedom
You are understand you have to look at health, wealth, relationships differently now in the ‘New’ World and understand you don’t have the tools to get there
You are scared to death that you won’t live the life you want…and realize now you need help getting there
If you said yes to at least 4 above I can’t wait to work with you!
Ultimate Leadership Reboot
1-on-1 curated coaching sessions for your goals, gifts, purpose, story
Unlimited email access
Weekly projects and accountability posts
$6000 value
Bonus #1 - $250 Value
Money Block Templates- Break free of money blocks permanently
Bonus #2 - $250 Value
SuperPower Time Blocking Templates
Bonus #3 - $350 Value
Leadership Templates for Beginner to Seasoned
Bonus #4 - $550 Value
Personalized Activities: Meditative to Healing techniques for your specific block/trauma
Total Value.: $7400
BUT when you apply today you will pay 40% of the cost!
This is an exclusive opportunity…
Don’t miss out…
Take the next step in leading yourself in the life you want