This transformational journey utilizes tools and frameworks that help you shift your emotional state, expand higher levels of self-leadership, and sustain higher-levels of performance embedded in health so that you can accelerate your impact, prosperity and mission for good to the world…leading a deeply fulfilling life.
In the summer of 2022 I decided to do a 12 week road trip…living out of my bag and traveling the country…for one main reason….to find out what the top leaders and high-performers were doing that accelerated their prosperity and deep fulfillment in all areas of their life.
I discovered that they weren’t a “certain” type of personality or a leader that had a specific area of gifting or impact but that they had one thing in common…knowing how to shift their emotional state and be their highest-truest self a majority of the day.
And they had learned how to shift it quickly… even when “life got lifey” with all the challenges it can bring. And actually this “one thing” that was confirmed by them…I already knew ;)
For years I was the typical “high-performing” leader want to transform the world yet struggling with exhaustion, overwhelm, anxiety and depression. I believed that leaders needed to suppress emotion and “be strong,” use grit, discipline, and just keep pressing through and pushing on. And it worked for awhile…until it didn’t.
I was truly tanking mentally, emotionally and yes ultimately financially, relationally and physically.
I had officially gotten on the hurt bus. And ironically I was not only a business leader but a health care provider! Talk about humility.
But it began my deep research of what true wellness was (mind-body-soul) and ultimately returned me back “home” (my highest-truest version) which I realized was the most potent and needed thing by all of us leaders.
I was literally building a framework through my journey that I want to share with my next-level leaders that I believe can be game-changing in this new era we live in.